BuzzBall Brings the Rollercoaster Experience to Your Backyard [Buzzball]

Can't quite make it to a Six Flags this weekend? Sign up for a BuzzBall then, and bring the motion-induced vomiting to you! Cooked up by some crazy New Zealanders from Evento as a cure for 'coaster aficionados without access to the rails, the BuzzBall features a pair of electric motors, each of which controls a separate throttle. The two throttles cause the chair inside to spin, or they can work in tandem to move the ball around a flat space (or a hill, Mr. Extreme Sports, whatever you want). Once the ball gets moving, however, watch out, because that's when the real vomiting fun begins. When the BuzzBall moves about and the operator starts to turn, the seat begins to rotate against the direction of travel. If you haven't figured it out already, that means you get a series of spins and barrel rolls—while you're moving. How one stops this thing we haven't a clue, but it probably involves passing out.

No pricing is available just yet, but the BuzzBall folks are surveying site visitors with some options. [Evento via OhGizmo!]

[Via: Gizmodo, The Gadget Blog ]
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